The Goldster Magazine Show: Lucinda and Fred Finn

Date: 20 August 2024
Location: Online
Sonic Boom book jacket

Fred Finn earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records for being the world’s most travelled man – fifteen million miles (and still counting), with 718 flights of the supersonic Concorde airliner. Fred, now 83, boarded his first commercial flight in 1958 from the United Kingdom to America. The journey took nineteen hours with four stops. Thirty-eight years later he made the same flight on board Concorde in less than three hours. His work as an international businessman has taken him to 150 countries.

To push through one deal, he had to fly between New York and London three times in a single day to get a contract signed. Fred has now written Sonic Boom a riveting account of his champagne-swilling, Rolls Royce-riding, jet-setting days of travelling 60,000 feet up at twice the speed of sound. He was such a Concorde frequent flyer that he was always given seat 9A and would find a bottle of Dom Perignon waiting for him. Fred’s expertise remains in demand from airlines seeking advice on improving seating, flights and service. Find out Fred’s secrets of fine travelling. How does he cheat jet-lag? What happened when he met Paul McCartney, Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton on Concorde and many other stories.