Excite your tastebuds as well as your mind with this book about the sensuality of food and its preparation. A modern retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac, the story revolves around Laura, an American exchange student in Rome; a handsome waiter named Tomasso, who allows Laura to believe he’s the restaurant’s chef; and the actual chef, Tomasso’s shy friend Bruno.
The Food of Love was Anthony Capella’s first novel. He is a fabulous writer and has gone on to write several more books, usually with a culinary element, including The Wedding Officer, The Empress of Ice-Cream, The Various Flavours of Coffee and Love and Other Chemicals. He has also written a novella, entitled Undressing.
Take time to savour The Food of Love, with its delectable descriptions of life in Italy, as well as its seductive recipes, and then come along on 30 April to discuss the book and its characters with Lucinda.
Our Book Club events are open to all, whether you’ve had the chance to read the book or not. These events are not recorded, everyone is unmuted and everyone gets the chance to meet other Goldster members.