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On 2 November, Lucinda Hawksley will be talking to Wendy Moore about her latest book, Endell Street: The Women who ran Britain’s Trailblazing Military Hospital. It tells the story of two pioneering women doctors, Louisa Garrett Anderson and Flora Murray, who set up and ran a major military hospital in London during the First World War. Anderson and Murray were suffragettes and life partners, and the first to take a team of women to France to run an emergency hospital in Paris. They were so successful they were invited by the British Army to run a hospital in the heart of London, in Covent Garden’s Endell Street. Theirs was the only hospital within the British Army to be staffed by women – all the doctors, nurses and orderlies were female, apart from a dozen or so male helpers. Endell Street became renowned as the ‘most popular’ hospital in the First World War – but that did nothing to help its women pioneers when peace came. Endell Street: The Women who ran Britain’s Trailblazing Military Hospital was serialised on BBC Radio 4’s Book of the Week.
Come and discover the inside story as Wendy chats to Lucinda about this latest book, as well as her career in journalism and her other titles, on medical and social history. Join them and be part of the Goldster Conversation.